
Umpire Policies

Umpires must be going into 9th grade or older. Parents can umpire too. Training sessions for umpires are held each spring – see below for training dates and times.

You will need an umpire shirt, khaki shorts and tennis shoes. One umpire clicker will be issued at the beginning of the season, after that you will have to purchase. You will be responsible for purchasing your umpire shirt for $12.00 through Pulaski Baseball.

Payment Rates

Umpires are needed for all Machine Pitch Majors, Pee Wee and Little League games.

Behind the Plate - $17/game

Field Umpire $15/game

Payment will be made at the end of each month.

Umpire Application

Umpire Training

TBD for the 2024 Season 

Umpire Forms

Scorecards must be signed by both coaches.

Scorecards must contain the game date and game number.

All score cards must be turned into the umpire box at the concession stand.

All payments will be made at the end of the season.

Short Sided Rules Summary – More to Come

You must have a copy of this summary with you at all games for reference.

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